Tibet Huayu Mining Co.Ltd(601020) : réponse de Lixin Certified Public Accountants à la lettre d'enquête réglementaire sur la divulgation de renseignements concernant le rapport annuel de 2021 de Tibet Huayu Mining Co.Ltd(601020) Et a reçu votre lettre d'enquête réglementaire sur la divulgation d'informations concernant le rapport annuel de 2021 de Tibet Huayu Mining Co.Ltd(601020) Lixin Certified Public Accountants (Special General partnership) (hereinafter referred to as “accountants”, “this exchange”, “annual audit accountants”) has carried out serious Analysis and Verification of the issues referred to in the regulatory Inquiry letter that require Accountants to explain or express opinions, and hereby, according to the issues involved in the regulatory work letter, the Accountants shall explain and respond as follows: