Sichuan Development Lomon Co.Ltd(002312) : l'émission d'actions pour l'acquisition de Tianrui Mining a été approuvée par la c

Sichuan Development Lomon Co.Ltd(002312) annonce le 23 juin, le 23 juin, la compagnie a reçu l'approbation de Sichuan Development Lomon Co.Ltd(002312) It is reported that the Securities Regulatory Commission approved the company to issue 99687082 shares to Sichuan Advanced Materials Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. And 24921770 shares to Sichuan Salt Industry Corporation to purchase relevant Assets, and the Approval shall be valid within 12 months from the date of Issuance.

It is reported that the company intends to purchase 80% Equity and 20% Equity shares of Tianrui Mining in Sichuan Province Advanced Materials Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sichuan Advanced Materials Group) and Sichuan Salt Industry Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Sichuan Salt Industry) with the other parties. Après des négociations amicales entre les parties à la transaction, il a été déterminé que la contrepartie de la transaction de 100% des actions de Tianrui Mining était de 9557499 millions de RMB et que le nombre d'actions émises était de 124608852 actions. Dans cette transaction, Sichuan Development détient 100% des actions de Sichuan Advanced Materials Group et de Sichuan Salt Industry, et Sichuan Advanced Materials Group est l'actionnaire contrôlant de la société. Par conséquent, cette transaction constitue une transaction liée et ne constitue pas une réorganisation importante des actifs.

It is reported that Tianrui Mining is Mainly engaged in the Extraction, Processing and sale of phosphorous Ore, possessing phosphate ore Resources of laoheba Phosphate Mine Copper Factory (No. 8 Block) in Sichuan Province, which is the maximum Reserve of Mining Rights in Mabian Area of Sichuan Province, and has obtained the corresponding Mining license for production Scale of 2.5 million tons / year phosphate ore. Tianrui Mining and Sichuan longtong Phosphorus Chemical Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, is the upstream and downstream Relationship of the Industry, and is the main supplier of Phosphorus Ore, the main raw material of longtong Phosphorus Chemical, and provided Phosphorus Ore by Tianrui Mining with close Distance of Transportation, Low Cost, stable output and Small Content of Phosphorus Ore Impurities, which has greatly helped the company to Promote Rapidly the capacity of Industrial Grade Ammonium Phosphate in recent years.

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